But What in the world are QUATS
Quats are workhorses of modern disinfection. In the home and in healthcare the cleaning disinfectants are some formulation of Quats. “QACs have been in use for approximately 50 years and are considered relatively safe. Despite the duration and prevalence of their use in commercial and consumer products, few studies have assessed the toxicity of single […]
Wash Your hands… Then What?

Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic has taught us all that we were not prepared for this occurrence. Handwashing is the Bain of our existence in healthcare. Before the COVID-19 pandemic the adherence to handwashing was often lower than 42% across institutions. The Joint Commission and CMS have always made handwashing a major emphasis of their […]
Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Decontamination, do they make a difference in patient care?
COVID 19 has brought us face to face with the need for disinfection 24/7. Prior to COVID-19, most health care workers tolerated the role of an Infection Practitioner and the requirements imposed by the regulatory agencies. As a result of COVID, there are not enough ICP’s to meet the demand to track surveillance and adherence […]